You can setup a custom column in Calibre to automatically track which books you've synced to BookFusion and which you still need to send over using the plugin.
Step One
Open the Preferences screen in Calibre and choose the "Add your own columns" option in the Interface section at the top.
From here, click the "Add custom column" button at the bottom to get started on the setup.
Step Two
Using the image below as a template, we'll configure the new column.
The "Lookup name" field can be whatever unique value you'd like it set to but must be all lowercase letters or numbers and cannot contain spaces. We recommend just using "bookfusion" as the name. This will be how Calibre searches for this column's data.
The "Column heading" field will be what shows when you're browsing your library, so something like "BookFusion" or even "BookFusion Sync" would be a good name.
In the dropdown for "Column type" be sure to select "Column built from other columns" and then you can add a brief description in the next field too.
For the "Template" field, copy the text below exactly and then paste it into that field in Calibre:
program: test(select(field('identifiers'),'bookfusion'),'Yes','No')
Click the "OK" button and your columns has been added. Confirm that the new column has been added to the list successfully, and that it is checked so it will show up in the library view. Then click "Apply" to save all these changes.
Step Three
You'll be prompted to restart Calibre for the new column to be fully setup, so do that and when Calibre restarts you'll see your new column visible.
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