From time to time we know that users will want to remove a book from their account, whether it's because you accidentally uploaded something you didn't mean to or simply because you no longer want to keep it on your bookshelf - either way, removing a book you uploaded is no trouble at all. There are two quick ways to remove any book from your shelf, and this help article will show you how to do both.
The first option is to use the delete button from the book details screen, which you can see just by clicking on a book cover to view its info. In the bottom right corner you'll see the trash icon, and clicking this will prompt you
Once you click this icon to delete the book, you'll be prompted to confirm the deletion and when you click "Delete" the book will be removed from your shelf.
The second option is to use the context menu by clicking the three dots in the bottom right corner of a book's cover on your bookshelf, then choose the Delete option. Just like above, you'll be prompted to confirm your choice to delete, and once confirmed the book will be removed from your library.
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